Hello, I’m Nilesh

Category: jQuery

  • Jquery DataTables: Add column filter and remove global filter

    Jquery DataTables plugin allows you to search through all the columns and it works pretty well. Now if you want to add a column-wise filter, you need to use the JQuery DataTables Column Filter plugin. To extend JQuery DataTables with Column Filter plugin, you need to have code like below: I’m using asp.net repeater control […]

  • jQuery multiselect plugin retain selection on postback in Asp.net

    The jQuery Mutiselect plugin allows users to select multiple items from the options available in the dropdown. When we click on the dropdown, it looks something like the below : Check out the demo page of the plugin here. The problem with the plugin is that it won’t remember the user selection, and value will […]

  • Reset .net validation controls client side

    We often provide form reset functionality, and people handle it client-side or server-side. Generally, we validate user input and show the proper validation messages. But sometimes, the user has entered the wrong information, and thus it will display validation messages. Now, if you have handled form reset functionality client-side, you must also reset all validation […]

  • Show Modal Dialog with Asp.net webpage

    For last few days one question is arising on asp.net forums and that is how to display Modal Dialog with Asp.net webpage. It can be done using JavaScript ShowModalDialog method. Syntax: Where This method is introduced by Microsoft Interent Explorer4 and support added to Firefox 3. Firefox 3 doesn’t support dialogHide, edge, status, or unadorned […]