Edit, share, execute and debug code within browser – make a fiddle

Many times we want to execute some ideas with JavaScript/JQuery and CSS to see whether we are on the right track?  We want to share HTML, CSS and JavaScript/JQuery code with others and allow them to run it, especially on the forums. If so, make a fiddle. It not only solves the problem of sharing but also #9 mentioned in Mike’s post here. JSFiddle, an online editor for web snippets.

Rather than posting entirety of all the files into forum post, just do the following :

  1. Go to JSFiddle (better to bookmark it if you can not remember it)
  2. Add your code to appropriate section : HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  3. Choose JS Framework if you’re using any.
  4. Press run and try to reproduce the problem you’re facing.
  5. Save to get a public URL.
  6. Share the URL on respective forums.

As Mike said in his post, it should have *relevant code* (as little code as possible, which reproduce the issue). Most of the time doing this, you’ll solve the problem yourself. 😉 And If not, it will help a lot to people who’re going to help you. 🙂

It’s absolutely not necessary to use JSFiddle, you can use JS Bin, CSSDesk etc whatever you’re comfortable with.

For SQL related issue, you can use SQLFiddle (Courtesy : Phil_Factor’s tweet), a tool for database developers to test out their queries.If you do not know SQL or basic database concepts, this site is not going to be very useful to you. In case you’re wondering in what cases it can help you out and how to use it, then you should read this. Check out the sample fiddle here.

Thanks to developers of JSFiddle and SQLFiddle, it’s definitely a solution of sharing a code on public forums and able to run it.






One response to “Edit, share, execute and debug code within browser – make a fiddle”

  1. Dhiraj Gupta Avatar

    Thanks for sharing 🙂

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