Google SMS Channel

Google India labs has introduced New Product “Google SMS Channel” that let you subscribe to blog updates, Cricket and news alerts and daily horoscope, jokes etc for free.

One can create his own channel and others can subscribe to it and can share important information related to their group. For creating such channel you need Google account. when you start your own channel you are supposed to provide your Moblie No (Cell No) and you will receive one code. After receiving that code enter that code and start channel. You have privileges to restrict others from spamming on group.

Google SMS Channel is similar to Mytoday group which sends message to number of users who have subscribed to it. and are service providers that allow one to send SMS for free in India.

This is still in initial stage but gradually it will become part of everyone’s life, just like Google. 🙂






2 responses to “Google SMS Channel”

  1. Quaintzy Patchez Avatar

    Hey Nil, remember the night we spent headbanging? lol thats been worth actually 😛 lols!

  2. Nilesh Thakkar Avatar can i forget that night..but i\’ve to admit this is really good product..

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