Tag: Asp.net
How to display message box in Asp.net?
Every new beginner from windows form development background uses MsgBox.Show method but unfortunately it executes server side and will display the message box on server. Then they ask it on different forums seeking help, how to display message box in Asp.net then? (one of the most frequent and common question on asp.net forums) There are […]
Show Modal Dialog with Asp.net webpage
For last few days one question is arising on asp.net forums and that is how to display Modal Dialog with Asp.net webpage. It can be done using JavaScript ShowModalDialog method. Syntax: Where This method is introduced by Microsoft Interent Explorer4 and support added to Firefox 3. Firefox 3 doesn’t support dialogHide, edge, status, or unadorned […]
Generate Nested Gridview Dynamically
As i said in my last post, I’ll write about how to generate Nested Gridview dynamically. As there are many articles available on the net, let me provide you the link to the article that i referred. Gridview Control to show master-child or master-slave data It provides detail explanation with snapshot. There is one disadvantage […]
Nested Gridview in Asp.net 2.0
As I said in my last post, I would write about the Check/ Uncheck checkboxes of Treeview based on database value, and I think it’s very easy, so skipping that part and here I am going to write about Nested Gridview will look like the below image: Rather than displaying Nested Gridview in the same […]
Retrieve selected treenode value at server side
As I said in my previous post, here’s how to retrieve selected tree node values on the server side. All the nodes, including the parent node, are selected in the above image. In my first post, we concatenated the parent node’s value with the child node and assigned it to the child node so that whenever we […]
TreeView Node Value at Client Side
As I said in my last post, in this post, I will demonstrate how to retrieve the value of selected nodes on the client side. First of all, if you are not aware of how to Populate Treeview dynamically with database fields and check/ Uncheck TreeView Checkboxes, then please refer to respective posts. Here’s the snap of Treeview selected nodes: As […]
Check/ Uncheck Treeview Checkboxes with Javascript
As I said in my last post, I would post the code on retrieving treeview node values on the client and server sides. But before that, we must add a client script to check/ uncheck treeview checkboxes. First of all, add the following to your page_load event: C# VB JavaScript Next time I will post […]
Populate Treeview With Database Fields
This post describes how to populate Treeview with database fields. People are often required to populate Treeview with database fields, and they choose different approaches to make it work. Here I am going to describe the simplest way. Here I’ll be using SQL Server Sample Database: Relations: Treeview : VB Code: C# Code: In my […]