Check/ Uncheck Treeview Checkboxes with Javascript

As I said in my last post, I would post the code on retrieving treeview node values on the client and server sides. But before that, we must add a client script to check/ uncheck treeview checkboxes.

First of all, add the following to your page_load event:




 if not Ispostback then
 End if


 function OnTreeClick(evt) 
      var src = window.event != window.undefined ? window.event.srcElement :;  
      var isChkBoxClick = (src.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input" && src.type == "checkbox");  
           var parentTable = GetParentByTagName("table", src);      
           var nxtSibling = parentTable.nextSibling;
          //check if nxt sibling is not null & is an element node
          if(nxtSibling && nxtSibling.nodeType == 1)
               //if node has children    
               if(nxtSibling.tagName.toLowerCase() == "div")
                    //check or uncheck children at all levels
                    CheckUncheckChildren(parentTable.nextSibling, src.checked);
          //check or uncheck parents at all levels
          CheckUncheckParents(src, src.checked);

  function CheckUncheckChildren(childContainer, check)
     var childChkBoxes = childContainer.getElementsByTagName("input");
          var childChkBoxCount = childChkBoxes.length;
     for(var i=0;i<childChkBoxCount;i++)
          childChkBoxes[i].checked = check;

 function CheckUncheckParents(srcChild, check)
     var parentDiv = GetParentByTagName("div", srcChild);
     var parentNodeTable = parentDiv.previousSibling;
          var checkUncheckSwitch;
          //checkbox checked 
               var isAllSiblingsChecked = AreAllSiblingsChecked(srcChild);
                    checkUncheckSwitch = true;
                    return; //do not need to check parent if any(one or more) child not checked
          else //checkbox unchecked
               checkUncheckSwitch = false;
          var inpElemsInParentTable = parentNodeTable.getElementsByTagName("input");
          if(inpElemsInParentTable.length > 0)
               var parentNodeChkBox = inpElemsInParentTable[0];
               parentNodeChkBox.checked = checkUncheckSwitch;
               //do the same recursively
          CheckUncheckParents(parentNodeChkBox, checkUncheckSwitch);

 function AreAllSiblingsChecked(chkBox)
     var parentDiv = GetParentByTagName("div", chkBox);
     var childCount = parentDiv.childNodes.length;
     for(var i=0;i<childCount;i++)
          if(parentDiv.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1)
               //check if the child node is an element node
               if(parentDiv.childNodes[i].tagName.toLowerCase() == "table")
               var prevChkBox = parentDiv.childNodes[i].getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
               //if any of sibling nodes are not checked, return false
                    return false;
     return true;

 //utility function to get the container of an element by tagname
 function GetParentByTagName(parentTagName, childElementObj)
     var parent = childElementObj.parentNode;
     while(parent.tagName.toLowerCase() != parentTagName.toLowerCase())
               parent = parent.parentNode;
     return parent;

Next time I will post about retrieving value on the Client and Server Sides.

I hope this helps!






4 responses to “Check/ Uncheck Treeview Checkboxes with Javascript”

  1. Danish Avatar

    Thanks Nilesh, really amaze.

  2. Abdul Salam K.A Avatar

    Thank you very much….:)

  3. tamilpadalgalonline Avatar

    Thanks alot.. it is really useful

  4. […] I said in my last post, in this post, I will demonstrate how to retrieve the value of selected nodes on the client side. […]

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