Recently I installed Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) on my machine. After logging in, I got only a blank brown screen, and I couldn’t move the mouse around the screen. I thought I didn’t install it properly, so I reinstalled it twice. Finally, I found the solution. It happened because the graphic card could not handle the Compiz effects. There is a bug in the Intel Video driver for the Intel 830MG and 845G video cards. Desktop effects with Compiz will not work on those chips and will freeze the system. During that time keyboard, too, won’t work (meaning Numlock doesn’t work); just to be sure, can you get to consoles (Ctrl+Alt+F1)? If that, too, doesn’t work, it’s probably your kernel crashing.
To fix the problem, you need to remove the Compiz; here’s how:
- From the Grub boot menu, select the “recovery mode” option.
- Select “root Drop to root shell prompt”
- sudo apt-get remove compiz
- sudo apt-get remove compiz-core
- exit
- Select “resume Resume normal boot”
Or you can use the following trick:
- Select FailSafe Terminal session from the options at the Login screen and Login with your Username and Password.
- Type gconf-editor. It will open the configuration editor window; from it, select desktop->gnome->application->window_manager.

- From the window’s right side, edit the current and default value by removing “usr/bin/compiz” with “usr/bin/metacity” and reboot.
- Select the Gnome session and Login with your Username and Password.
That’s it!! 🙂
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